Our Certifications

FSC® & PEFC Chain of Custody Certification (COC)

Self-Adhesive Materials (UK) Ltd - SAM (UK) Ltd

FSC® | The Forest Stewardship Council®

PEFC | The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification

Look for our FSC® or PEFC certified products

The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is an international network designed to promote responsible management of the world’s forests.

It was established in the mid 1990s. Worldwide, more than 196 million hectares of forest in 81 countries are certified according to FSC® standards and just over 52,000 companies have FSC® Chain of Custody certification.

You can find out more about FSC® on their website: www.fsc.org

The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is a framework for the recognition of forest certification schemes meeting internationally recognised requirements for sustainable forest management.

Since its launch in 1999, PEFC has become the largest certification umbrella organisation covering 31 national schemes from around the world with over 260m ha of forest covered and almost 16,000 COC certificates.

You can find out more about PEFCon their website: www.pefc.org

What is Chain of Custody?

Chain of Custody, or COC, Certification provides independent evidence that forest products originate from well managed forests.

It helps consumers, businesses and government departments make informed decisions about the timber products they buy.